Legal contracts, such as employment or lease agreements, are important documents as they govern the obligations and entitlements of the various contracting parties. However, these documents are typically long and written in legalese resulting in lots of manual hours spent in understanding them. In this paper, we address the task of summarizing legal contracts for each of the contracting parties, to enable faster reviewing and improved understanding of them. Specifically, we collect a dataset consisting of pairwise importance comparison annotations by legal experts for ~293K sentence pairs from lease agreements. We propose a novel extractive summarization system to automatically produce a summary consisting of the most important obligations, entitlements, and prohibitions in a contract. It consists of two modules: (1) a content categorize to identify sentences containing each of the categories (i.e., obligation, entitlement, and prohibition) for a party, and (2) an importance ranker to compare the importance among sentences of each category for a party to obtain a ranked list. The final summary is produced by selecting the most important sentences of a category for each of the parties. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed system by comparing it against several text ranking baselines via automatic and human evaluation.
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本文侧重于各种技术来查找替代近似方法,可以普遍用于各种CFD问题,但计算成本低,运行时低。在机器学习领域中探讨了各种技术,以衡量实现核心野心的效用。稳定的平流扩散问题已被用作测试用例,以了解方法可以提供解决方案的复杂程度。最终,该重点留在物理知识的机器学习技术上,其中求解微分方程是可能的,而无需计算数据。 i.e的普遍方法拉加里斯和M. Raissi et.al彻底探讨。普遍存在的方法无法解决占主导地位问题。提出了一种称为分布物理知识神经网络(DPINN)的物理知情方法,以解决平流的主导问题。它通过分割域并将其他基于物理的限制引入均方平方损耗条款来增加旧方法的可执行和能力。完成各种实验以探索结束与该方法结束的最终可能性。也完成了参数研究以了解方法对不同可调参数的方法。该方法经过稳定的平流 - 扩散问题和不稳定的方脉冲问题。记录非常准确的结果。极端学习机(ELM)是一种以可调谐参数成本的快速神经网络算法。在平面扩散问题上测试所提出的模型的基于ELM的变体。榆树使得复杂优化更简单,并且由于该方法是非迭代的,因此解决方案被记录在单一镜头中。基于ELM的变体似乎比简单的DPINN方法更好。在本文中,将来同时进行各种发展的范围。
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背景:精确诊断颅底肿瘤对于提供个性化的手术治疗策略至关重要。由于肿瘤多样性和缺乏术中病理资源,术中诊断可能具有挑战性。目的:开发独立且平行的术中病理学工作流程,可以使用无标签的光学成像和人工智能提供快速准确的颅底肿瘤诊断。方法:我们使用了基于光纤激光,无标签,非消费性,高分辨率显微镜方法($ <$ <$ <$ <$ 60秒,每1 $ \ times $ 1 mm $ $^\ text {2} $),称为刺激的拉曼组织学(SRH),以对颅底肿瘤患者的连续多中心队列进行成像。然后,使用三种表示学习策略:跨渗透性,自我监督的对比度学习和监督对比度学习,使用SRH图像来训练卷积神经网络(CNN)模型。我们训练有素的CNN模型在持有的多中心SRH数据集上进行了测试。结果:SRH能够成像良性和恶性颅底肿瘤的诊断特征。在三种表示策略中,有监督的对比度学习最有效地学习了每种颅底肿瘤类型的独特和诊断SRH图像特征。在我们的多中心测试集中,跨渗透性达到了91.5%的总体诊断准确性,自我监督的对比度学习为83.9%,并且有监督的对比度学习为96.6%。我们训练有素的模型能够鉴定出肿瘤正常的边缘,并检测整个SRH图像中微观肿瘤浸润的区域。结论:具有训练有素的人工智能模型的SRH可以对颅底肿瘤标本进行快速准确的术中分析,以告知手术决策。
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Recent work has shown that fine-tuning large pre-trained language models on a collection of tasks described via instructions, a.k.a. instruction-tuning, improves their zero and few-shot generalization to unseen tasks. However, there is a limited understanding of the performance trade-offs of different decisions made during the instruction-tuning process. These decisions include the scale and diversity of the instruction-tuning benchmark, different task sampling strategies, fine-tuning with and without demonstrations, training using specialized datasets for reasoning and dialogue, and finally, the fine-tuning objectives themselves. In this paper, we characterize the effect of instruction-tuning decisions on downstream task performance when scaling both model and benchmark sizes. To this end, we create OPT-IML Bench: a large benchmark for Instruction Meta-Learning (IML) of 2000 NLP tasks consolidated into task categories from 8 existing benchmarks, and prepare an evaluation framework to measure three types of model generalizations: to tasks from fully held-out categories, to held-out tasks from seen categories, and to held-out instances from seen tasks. Through the lens of this framework, we first present insights about instruction-tuning decisions as applied to OPT-30B and further exploit these insights to train OPT-IML 30B and 175B, which are instruction-tuned versions of OPT. OPT-IML demonstrates all three generalization abilities at both scales on four different evaluation benchmarks with diverse tasks and input formats -- PromptSource, FLAN, Super-NaturalInstructions, and UnifiedSKG. Not only does it significantly outperform OPT on all benchmarks but is also highly competitive with existing models fine-tuned on each specific benchmark. We release OPT-IML at both scales, together with the OPT-IML Bench evaluation framework.
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The evaluation of abstractive summarization models typically uses test data that is identically distributed as training data. In real-world practice, documents to be summarized may contain input noise caused by text extraction artifacts or data pipeline bugs. The robustness of model performance under distribution shift caused by such noise is relatively under-studied. We present a large empirical study quantifying the sometimes severe loss in performance (up to 12 ROUGE-1 points) from different types of input noise for a range of datasets and model sizes. We then propose a light-weight method for detecting and removing such noise in the input during model inference without requiring any extra training, auxiliary models, or even prior knowledge of the type of noise. Our proposed approach effectively mitigates the loss in performance, recovering a large fraction of the performance drop, sometimes as large as 11 ROUGE-1 points.
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Project Loon is a Google initiated research project from the Google X Lab. The project focuses on providing remote internet access and network connectivity. The connectivity is established in vertical and horizontal space; vertical connectivity between Google Access Point (GAP) and the balloons, and between balloons and antennas installed at land; horizontal connectivity is between the balloons. This research focuses on the connectivity between the balloons in a mesh network. The proposal focuses on implementing graphical methods like convex hull with adhoc communication protocols. The proposed protocol includes content-based multicasting using angular sector division rather than grids, along with dynamic core-based mesh protocol defining certain core active nodes and passive nodes forming the convex hull. The transmission (multicasting and broadcasting) between the nodes will be evaluated using the link probability defining the probability of the link between two nodes failing. Based on the link probability and node features, best path between transmitting and receiver nodes will be evaluated.
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Climate change, population growth, and water scarcity present unprecedented challenges for agriculture. This project aims to forecast soil moisture using domain knowledge and machine learning for crop management decisions that enable sustainable farming. Traditional methods for predicting hydrological response features require significant computational time and expertise. Recent work has implemented machine learning models as a tool for forecasting hydrological response features, but these models neglect a crucial component of traditional hydrological modeling that spatially close units can have vastly different hydrological responses. In traditional hydrological modeling, units with similar hydrological properties are grouped together and share model parameters regardless of their spatial proximity. Inspired by this domain knowledge, we have constructed a novel domain-inspired temporal graph convolution neural network. Our approach involves clustering units based on time-varying hydrological properties, constructing graph topologies for each cluster, and forecasting soil moisture using graph convolutions and a gated recurrent neural network. We have trained, validated, and tested our method on field-scale time series data consisting of approximately 99,000 hydrological response units spanning 40 years in a case study in northeastern United States. Comparison with existing models illustrates the effectiveness of using domain-inspired clustering with time series graph neural networks. The framework is being deployed as part of a pro bono social impact program. The trained models are being deployed on small-holding farms in central Texas.
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Multi-modal image-text models such as CLIP and LiT have demonstrated impressive performance on image classification benchmarks and their zero-shot generalization ability is particularly exciting. While the top-5 zero-shot accuracies of these models are very high, the top-1 accuracies are much lower (over 25% gap in some cases). We investigate the reasons for this performance gap and find that many of the failure cases are caused by ambiguity in the text prompts. First, we develop a simple and efficient zero-shot post-hoc method to identify images whose top-1 prediction is likely to be incorrect, by measuring consistency of the predictions w.r.t. multiple prompts and image transformations. We show that our procedure better predicts mistakes, outperforming the popular max logit baseline on selective prediction tasks. Next, we propose a simple and efficient way to improve accuracy on such uncertain images by making use of the WordNet hierarchy; specifically we augment the original class by incorporating its parent and children from the semantic label hierarchy, and plug the augmentation into text promts. We conduct experiments on both CLIP and LiT models with five different ImageNet-based datasets. For CLIP, our method improves the top-1 accuracy by 17.13% on the uncertain subset and 3.6% on the entire ImageNet validation set. We also show that our method improves across ImageNet shifted datasets and other model architectures such as LiT. Our proposed method is hyperparameter-free, requires no additional model training and can be easily scaled to other large multi-modal architectures.
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ML-based motion planning is a promising approach to produce agents that exhibit complex behaviors, and automatically adapt to novel environments. In the context of autonomous driving, it is common to treat all available training data equally. However, this approach produces agents that do not perform robustly in safety-critical settings, an issue that cannot be addressed by simply adding more data to the training set - we show that an agent trained using only a 10% subset of the data performs just as well as an agent trained on the entire dataset. We present a method to predict the inherent difficulty of a driving situation given data collected from a fleet of autonomous vehicles deployed on public roads. We then demonstrate that this difficulty score can be used in a zero-shot transfer to generate curricula for an imitation-learning based planning agent. Compared to training on the entire unbiased training dataset, we show that prioritizing difficult driving scenarios both reduces collisions by 15% and increases route adherence by 14% in closed-loop evaluation, all while using only 10% of the training data.
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Entity matching in Customer 360 is the task of determining if multiple records represent the same real world entity. Entities are typically people, organizations, locations, and events represented as attributed nodes in a graph, though they can also be represented as records in relational data. While probabilistic matching engines and artificial neural network models exist for this task, explaining entity matching has received less attention. In this demo, we present our Explainable Entity Matching (xEM) system and discuss the different AI/ML considerations that went into its implementation.
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